Elliott Stewart is a zinester and storyteller from Huntington WV. He’s been making zines since he was 13 years old in the coalfields of WV, when all he had was a “borrowed” public library copy machine, a ream of paper, and a weird sense of humor. In 2020, he started Porch Beers as a means to stay in contact with friends in West Virginia while living in Tennessee, and it blossomed into a zine that reached all seven continents (including Antartica!) a distro, and a publishing arm known as Porch Beers Press.
With his latest zine, Disco 3000, Elliot talks about the intersections of queer, trans, disabled, and Appalachian identities. He believes it’s important to record our history, especially those of us in marginalized groups, and he hope to keep recording and storytelling for a long time.
Where to Find Elliot
Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PorchBeersZine
Website: https://elliottwstewart.com/about/