JiJi Wong ia the founder of Divine Zine, borne from a COVID-19 fever dream that aims to highlight different intersections of their identity and faith within leftist politics! They’re a Malaysian Chinese diasporic individual of parents who fled genocide, currently living on occupied Wappinger land. I founded Divine as a way to indulge my Buddhist, Queer affirming faith with politics that are so often anti-religion as if Queerness, faith, and ancestral belief systems are incompatible with leftist belief systems (didn’t we say it’s meant to be decolonial, not an echo of Enlightenment??).
Divine Zine is an interfaith exploration of liberation theology and decolonial spirituality by and for oppressed people, with an emphasis on Disabled, Queer, and Asian diasporic experiences. They have three primary types of zines: shiny fancier zines exploring religious concepts in depth from both religious and non-religious perspectives, Xerox copied digest zines that are slightly less religious made as a response to more random, or timelier topics, and informational minizines.
Where to find Divine Zine
Buy Zines: https://forms.gle/ykNucqFzYw69shAj7
Links: http://linktr.ee/divinezine
Instagram: http://instagram.com/divinezineco