Affinity meetups are spaces for zinesters or zine fans with something in common to socialize with each other. Attendees of meetups must be a member of the title group. If you’d like to host a meetup at the next event, sign up for our newsletter to be notified when the date is chosen and applications open.
2024 Meetups
Neuroqueer Zinesters Meetup led by Seonaid W. Murray
Trans and Nonbinary Meetup led by Lief Bennett
Podcast Host Meetup led by Maria McDermott
Queer Zinesters/Fans from the former USSR Meetup led by Masha Zhdanova
Interfaith Zines Meetup led by JiJi Wong
Queer Witches Meetup led by Eden L
2021 Meetups
Ace and Aro Spectrum Meetup led by Olivia Montoya
Trans and Genderqueer Zinesters Meetup led by Sofía Morillón
Chronically ill and Disabled Zinesters Meetup led by Sam Bates
Black and Latine Zinesters Meetup led by Sabrina Sims and Sofía Morillón